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Limited Competitions: Internal Submission Portal
Please complete this form to express your interest in a canvass or to submit your pre-application for an internal competition.
Questions should be directed to
Principal Investigator (PI) Name:
PI Email:
PI College/School:
College of Arts and Sciences
School of Health Technology and Management
College of Business
School of Journalism
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Renaissance School of Medicine
School of Nursing
School of Dental Medicine
School of Social Welfare
PI Department:
What is the PI's current status at Stony Brook University?
Tenured Faculty (e.g. Associate Professor, Full Professor)
Tenure Track Faculty (i.e. Assistant Professor)
If applicable, list all co-investigators and their departments:
Provide the project title:
Competition Code (Code beginning with 'LC'):
How did you hear about this opportunity?
Weekly OPD Email
OPD Website
OVPR Social Media
Are you expressing your interest in a canvass or submitting your pre-application for an internal competition?
Expressing interest in canvass
Submitting to internal competition
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